Ponorogo Viral, Hundreds of Pregnant Students Out of Marriage

Di Baca : 1301 Kali
Ponorogo Viral

KABARHEADLINE.COM - Ponorogo Viral is the hottest topic on Google, because hundreds of students in the area are pregnant out of wedlock.

Ponorogo Viral has high traffic in search terms on Google today. This was due to the excited news regarding hundreds of students in the area who were pregnant out of wedlock.

With the condition that many students became pregnant before their time, this area known for its Reog art became a topic of conversation among the public, especially those who like surfing in cyberspace.

Based on the information that was successfully summarized from various sources. There were 7 junior high school level students who were pregnant in the first week of January 2023, and some even gave birth.

Due to the large number of pregnant students, the city of Reog went viral with the keyword Porogo Viral.

Case Revealed

This case came to light after a pregnant student applied for a marriage dispensation to the Religious Court, Ponorogo.

They are minors aged 19 years, who are pregnant and about to get married.

In accordance with Law Number 1/1974, it was amended by Law Number 16/2019 concerning marriage that, it is permissible to marry at least 19 years of age.

If the age is still not enough, then a marriage dispensation decision must be issued by the Religious Court.

The applicants for the dispensation are all junior and senior high school students who are already pregnant. Because they are already pregnant, they finally get married even though they are not old enough.

The number of marriage dispensations in the Ponorogo Religious Court is very large.

In 2021 there were 266 applicants, in 2022 there were 191 applicants, even the first week of 2023 as many as 7 people applied for a marriage dispensation, all of which were grade 2 junior and senior high school students.

“Everything was granted because everything has fulfilled the urgent element. The 7 people are all school children. Grade 2 junior and senior high school students," said Public Relations of the Ponorogo Religious Court, Ruhana Faried, Tuesday (10/1/2023).

It was revealed that these underage children dated and had sexual intercourse more than once until they finally became pregnant.

These acts are carried out in hotels where tourists visit, even at home when their parents are at work.

Due to the rise of this case, parents are advised to supervise their child's association.

Also instill religious teachings properly and correctly.

[Ikuti KabarHeadline.com Melalui Sosial Media]

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